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Vocabularies in JAMB 2021 novel with Contextual Meaning

Vocabularies in JAMB 2021 novel

If you have been searching the internet or in case you are using your dictionary to find meaning for vocabularies in JAMB 2021 novel, then you are at the right place.

Unfortunately, I notice that there are tons of vocabularies in the novel “The Life Changer”. So therefore, I concluded on writing an article that will show a sorted list of all vocabularies in JAMB 2021 novel.

Moreover, this page comprises of vocabularies deducted from chapter one, two, and three. But sooner the rest chapter will be released.

Table of Content

  • Why do I need all these Vocabularies?
  • Vocabularies in JAMB 2021 novel Chapter One
  • Chapter Two vocabularies in JAMB 2021 novel
  • Vocabularies in JAMB 2021 novel Chapter Three
  • JAMB 2021 novel chapter four vocabularies
  • Chapter Five vocabularies in JAMB 2021 novel
  • JAMB 2021 novel chapter Six vocabularies
  • Vocabularies in JAMB 2021 novel Chapter Seven
  • Chapter 8 vocabularies in JAMB 2021 novel
  • JAMB 2021 novel chapter 9 vocabularies
  • Conclusion

Why do I need all these Vocabularies?

I know most candidate will ask this question that why is it that I need all these vocabularies. Don’t panic. I love to give view reason why you might need these vocabularies.

  • The first on my list is for better understanding: let take a look at comprehension passages. What is comprehension? It’s another word for understanding right? To me the general problem or reason why people fail to understanding passages are just two. (vocabulary and practice) anytime we are going through a novel. We often see big vocabularies but we neglect them, Which is wrong. You can’t understand a novel well enough if you don’t know what the vocabularies in it, is referring to.
  • Also, it can help you when answering questions based on synonyms and antonyms. Yes! Nobody knows the question coming out that is why you have to consume everything that you yourself know it can help you succeed once and for all. If you feel like communicating with me, please leave a comment below or chat me on WhatsApp(08165518292).
  • Lastly, you will love it.

Vocabularies in JAMB 2021 novel Chapter One

This section contains vocabularies deducted from chapter one of the titled “The Life Changer.” It’s advisable that you check through the following vocabularies while reading Chapter One of JAMB 2021 novel. Any question? Leave a comment below.

Chapter one

Chapter One

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Paternal: pertaining to one's father

Maternal: pertaining to one's mother

Exhilarating: gladdening, a feeling of sudden excitement

Immediate: instantly with no delay, very close

Learned: having more knowledge, erudite

Esquire: a lawyer

Sarcasm: To ridicule or mock someone using acerbic language, often using irony.

Muster: gather

Tactless: inconsiderate of someone else's feeling.

Tactlessly: in a tactless manner

Bickering: petty quarrelling

Elicited: To bring forth, draw out

Cheerful: noticeably happy and optimistic

Chuckle: a quiet laugh

Mirthful: filled with merriment

Giggle: To laugh in a silly way

Chortle: A joyful, somewhat muted laugh

Fledged: equipped with feathers or wings

Eavesdrop: To hear conversation one is not intended to hear.

Surreptitiously: in a secretly manner

Meddlesome: tendency to interfere in other people's business

Transpired: happened, To become known

Reckoned: To count, To take into account

Inspired: having excellence through inspiration

Obvious: easily seen or understood

Accentuated: To make more noticeable

Unobtrusively: in a manner that is not noticeable

Blabbermouth: A person who talks excessively, A gossiper

Chastise: To punish or scold someone

Stuffy: poorly ventilated

Trooped: To move in numbers

Balefully: To serve as a warning of evil, miserable

Squatted: To bend deeply at the knees while resting on one's feet

Ensconced: settled comfortably, place in a secure environment

Dreary: uninteresting

Coincided: To occupy exactly the same space

Exuberant: very high-spirited extremely, energetic and enthusiastic

Peep: To look, especially while trying not to be noticed

Immodest: shameless, without modesty of expression

Slightly: A small extent, A little

Taunting: To making fun of someone

Emphatically: with emphasis, in a forceful manner

Braced: To hold firmly, To prepared for something bad, To strengthened

Thrilling: causing a feeling of sudden excitement

Intelligentsia: The intellectual elite of a society

Naivety: lack of experience

Spontaneity: done without planning

Ululated: mournfully cry loudly in joy

Contrasted: displaying a difference in brightness between two colours that make them more or less distinguishable.

Precocious: characterized by exceptionally early development or maturity

Thrill: To suddenly excite someone, To give somepleasure

Providence: The will of God

Belligerent: violence to war

Expectant: A person who expects or awaits something

Besieged: To surround

Jerked: To make a sudden controlled movement

Reverentially: an act of showing respect, respectful

Barging: To break through in a clumsy manner

Impromptu: without prior preparation or rehearsal, unplanned

Rationale: an explanation of the basic reasons for something

Didactic: intended to teach, especially with regards to morality

Intrusion: entry of an external group

Anticipated: expected to arrive scheduled

Nestled: To settle oneself comfortably

Consequently: accordingly following after time sequence

Affinity: Any passionate love for something

Intransigence: unwillingness to change one’s views to agree

Trepidation: state of concern

Obvious: easily seen or understood

Accentuated: to pronounce with an accent

Wiggle dress: a trouser wore by someone causing the wearer to walk in short strides with legs close together, producing a wiggle

Formidable: difficult to overcome

Grumbling: complaining

Ineptitude: the quality of not been able to do something

Inconsiderable: not considering others, not caring

Dusk: night break, a period of time at the end of day, the point at which light begins

Manning: referring to a man

Grease: to bribe, to cause to go easily, to apply grease on something

Unison: the state of being together, at the same time as one

Inclination: to tend to do or believe something

Chapter Two vocabularies in JAMB 2021 novel

Section 2 contains vocabularies in JAMB 2021 novel, chapter two. Please, read it again in case you are not satisfied. With this set of vocabularies you will understand what has transpired between Salma and Ummi.

Chapter Two vocabularies in JAMB 2021 novel

Chapter Two

Apparent: capable of being seen, easy to see, easy to understand

Barely: not quite, hardly

Transpired: come to light, what happened

Intently: concentrate on something, in a focused manner

Trifle: anything that is of little importance

Baffled: thoroughly confused

Dawned: to realize, start, to start to realize

Shivering: the action of a person or thing to shake

Drenched: completely wet

Bereft: lacking

Thrilling: causing a feeling of sudden excitement

Timidly: lacking courage, shy

Rasp: to utter rasp

Resplendent: shiny and colorful, and thus pleasing to the eye

Scribing: to write or draw carelessly or hurriedly

Ancestral: pertaining to ancestors

Crucifix: a wooden cross used for the crucifixion as by the roman

Dangling: the act of hanging something so that it can move freely

Apprehension: anticipation, MOSTLY OF THINGS UNFAVOURABLE

Etiquette: the forms required by a good upbringing

Endearing: inspiring affection or love

Discomforting: something that disturbs one's comfort

Foreboding: a sense of evil to come

Analogue: alternative spelling of analog

Oppressive: burdensome or difficult to bear

Irrepressible: not controllable

Claustrophobia: fear of closed, tight places

Loomed: to appear not clearly defined, appear in an exaggerated form, misshaping appearance of something as seen from afar

Recalcitrant: difficult to deal with

Emulate: copy, imitate

Pressed: under deprivation

Inch: to advance very slowly, a little bit, having a small degree

Blabbering: foolish talk

Perchance: by chance

Maneuver: a movement, often performed with difficulty

Muster: gathered, a gathering or collection of something or people

Gurgling: to flow with a bubbling sound

Overture: to approach with a proposal

Surreptitiously: attribute of acting secretly

Distinctly: clearly, vividly

Curiosity: in a curious manner, inquisitive, tend to ask something

Hindsight: realization or understanding the significance and nature of events after they have occurred

Curtly: in a brief manner, or concise, shortened

Bemused: deeply thoughtful, confused, distracted, giving One’s attention elsewhere

Blankly: showing no emotion or expressing

Scarified: to make scratches or cut on something

Open- mouthed: with the mouth opened, agape, in surprise

Barely: no quite, almost not, hardly.

Vocabularies in JAMB 2021 novel Chapter Three

Chapter three, HMMM! Indeed the story of a “quiet one.” These set of vocabularies in JAMB 2021 novel found in chapter three will help you understand more on what has happened to Talle the “the quiet one”. The tale is teaching everybody a great lesson. Check it out yourself using these vocabularies.

Vocabularies in JAMB 2021 novel Chapter Three

Chapter Three

Interminable: occurring without interruption, unending

Sighed: A deep prolonged audible inhale and exhale of breath

Inexcusable: Not possible to excuse or pardon

Plight: unfortunate situation, risk

Jovially: cheerful and good happily; joyfully

Tale: story history narration what has happened before

Fugitive: A person who flees and travel secretly from place to place, and sometimes using disguise to conceal his/her identity, as to avoid law authorities in order to avoid arrest.

Superlative: superb highest quality exceptionally good

Inconceivable: unbelievable

Precisely: accurately or exactly

Formidable: causing wonder or astonishment

Transpired: To happen or taken place

Potent: able to conceive(offspring)

Reticent: keeping one's thought and opinion to oneself

Fisticuffs: to engage in physical fight

Lad: a young man

Piety: reverence and devotion to God

Appellation: A name or a title

Unwittingly: in an unaware or uninformed manner

Grocery: retail foodstuffs and other household supplies

Grocer: a person who sales groceries directly to consumer

Summoned: To ask someone to come to send for

Studiously: given to thought or thinking

Gut feeling: an immediate or basic feeling or reaction without a logical rationale

Commotion: a state of violently disturbed

Mesmerised: fascinated by something

Residence: place where on lives

Trend: To have particular direction

Cringed: a posture of falling back

Gaze: to stare at something or someone

Whisked: To move something with quick light sweeping motion rapidly and with no warning

Hitherto: up to now

Hoisted: To be lifted up

Reluctant: not wanting to take action

Expedient: advisable, desirable

Trooped: To gather in crowds a collection of people

Zoomed: To move fast with a humming noise

Thrived: to increase in wealth prosper

Fizzled: To die off to nothing

Simplicity: state of being simple

Ominous: exhibiting a bad sign or danger

Surge: To rush To rush out

Sprang: To jump

Bolted: To flee To depart suddenly

Extortion: the practice of taking money or property by use of force or threats blackmail

Apprehended: taken or seized

Swooned: To faint fainted

Supplication: To humble oneself before another in making a request

Sarcastically: in a sarcasm manner containing sarcasm

Sprawled: to sit with the limbs spread out

Accord: agreement on opinion or action

Battered: beaten up or in rough condition

Obviously: clearly or evidently

Manacled: handcuffs

Curtly: brief, especially to the point of being rude

Brandishing: To move back and forth, particularly if demonstrating anger

Staggered: To stand or walk unsteadily

Growled: A deep threatening sound made in anger

Misdeed: what was done that should not have been done

Rationalize: To justify an immoral act

Saga: a long story

Conspirator: part of a group that agree to do an unlawful act

Intriguing: interesting or causing a desire to know more

Admonition: warning counseling against fault

Pressed: (idiom) in hurry, for money

Courtiers: somebody at a royal court

JAMB 2021 novel chapter four vocabularies

Section four contains vocabularies in jamb 2021 novel centered on chapter four of the novel. However, use these set of vocabularies along as you are reading chapter four for better understanding.

JAMB 2021 novel chapter four vocabularies

Chapter Four

Firmly: securely

Endowed: gifted; to be furnished with something naturally

Flaunt: To parade, to show off

Elegance: Grace and beauty in movement, appearance or manner

Femininity: The sum of all attributes that are feminine

Exuded: To give out

Ogled: To stare at someone, especially covetously

Reprimand: To express disapproval in an official way

Underhandedness: the characteristic of being dishonest, corrupt, cheating

Lump: something that sticks together

Alluring: quality causing attraction, to entice

Chided: To warn or notify of a fault in blame

Stickler: a referee at a fight

Palpitation: an abnormal beats of the heart

Dispose: get rid of something

Briskly: fast or quickly

Hesitated: To stop or pause, to stammer

Sheer: complete

Inexplicable: impossible to explain; not easily accounted for

Clumsy: lacking coordination

Intimately: (a very close friend) privately, personally

Instinctively: without being taught

Sleazy: of low quality; inferior

Inculcating: To teach by repeated instruction

Bereft: lacking or deprived of

Stormed: To move quickly and noisily like a storm, usually in a state of anger

Chilly: not showing due respect, violent

Intimacy: feeling of closeness and openness toward someone else

Supplication: To beg God or a prayer to God

Garb: a type of dress or clothing's

Mishap: mistake, an accident, to happen through bad luck

Pious: God fearing, devout

Coveted: to desire, to wish for with eagerness

Savvy: well informed

Happenstance: the chance of an event or circumstance to happen

Abreast: familiar

Obliged: under an obligation to do something for someone

Delicacy: quality of being delicate or fragile

Amicably: friendly or goodwill

Budge: to move

Affluent: somebody who is wealthy

Voluble: fluent or having a ready flow of speech

Thrilled: extremely excited

Flash: visually impressive or appealing

Occupant: a person who occupies a position

Bravado: a false show of courage

Exemplified: to show, to illustrate by example

Smirk: an uneven, often crooked smile; to smile in a way affectedly rude

Chapter Five vocabularies in JAMB 2021 novel

Section 5 comprises of vocabularies in JAMB 2021 novel deducted from chapter 5. However, you can use these vocabularies to get deep understanding of what chapter 5 is talking about. Moreover, vocabularies here are a based mostly on contextual meaning, i.e. what the context is referencing to.

Chapter Five vocabularies in JAMB 2021 novel

Chapter Five

Apparent: open to view, easy to understand

Exposure: the state of being exposed, unprotected

Curious: tending to ask questions

Borne: to bear, to continue or carry on, despite obstacle or hardship

Exuded: to give out

Charismatic: having personal charms

Station: position or rank

Intimidated: daunting, scary

Sewed: to use needle to pass thread repeatedly through piece of fabric in order to join them together

Hesitant: tending to wait or proceed with caution

Prompting: to lead someone to what they should do

Heartthrob: a heartbeat, a sweetheart

Thriller: to be moved with slight motion

Garroted: to kill someone by squeezing the throat so as to cut off the oxygen supply, to choke

Unbeknownst: without the knowledge of

Meekly: quietly and humbly

Resolute: to be determined, unyielding

Confident: to be very sure of something

Trifle: to deal with something as if it were of little importance

Disposed: to arrange; having a certain arrangement of something

Ill: sick, unwell

Stunned: shocked, dazed

Savored: enjoyed

Stare: to look, fixedly at something

Stab: to injure secretly

Maneuvered: a movement often one performed with a difficulty

Proclaim: to declare, well known

Steaks: a slice of beef broiled or heated

Shot: broken

Perceptive: showing eagerness or perception, understanding

Earshot: a distance from which a sound is still audible

Venom: feeling marked by anger or vex

Sprang: to jump, to produce unexpectedly, especially of surprises, traps

Strangled: a rod used for sinning and then winding a natural fibers (wool)

Misguided: mislead or mistaken

Contrary: in an opposite direction, to oppose

Affiliation: a club, society or umbrella organization so formed

Elated: pleased; extremely happy

Gesture: a remark made as a sign or attitude

Personified: to create a representation of an abstract quality in the form of character

Profusely: in great abundance

Ululating: to produce a quick and prolonged series of sharp noises with one's voice

Embracing: to hug

Misnomer: misleading

Ardent: passion

Melange: mixture of things

Radical: fundamental

Debase: brought low

Derogatory: belittle someone

Camaraderie: close friendship

Conciliatory: to make calm and content

Rational: capable of reasoning

Fuming: very angry

Daft: foolish, stupid

Degenerate: to lose good or desirable qualities

Sentiment: a general thought

Heaving: to rise and fall

Seizure: a sudden attack

Glaring: to stare angrily

Budge: to move

Chiding: a scolding

Receding:to move back

Herd: to unite

Indistinct: not clearly define or vague

Entreaty: the act of beginning

Lightheartedly: with joy

Dismay: a sudden loss of courage or overwhelming

Meager: lean or slim

Doled: to distribute in small amount

Incongruous: not similar

Routine: regular (a standard procedure)

Earnest: seriousness, reality

Disciplines: field, branch or category

Fixated: to make something fixed

Actualization: making actual extent

Stifled: to interrupt

JAMB 2021 novel chapter Six vocabularies

Section 6 contains vocabularies in JAMB 2021 novel chapter six. After all, you are can use this vocabularies while reading chapter 6 to get the actual fact of what really transpired between Salma and Kolawole Abdul, During the moral physiology exam. Unfortunately, being the last paper she was apprehended for EMAL.

JAMB 2021 novel chapter six vocabularies

Chapter Six

Sip: a small mouthful of drink, to drink a small quantity

Pacify: to calm, to make quiet

Recycling: practice of collecting waste material for new use

Virtually: almost but not totally or quite

Stunning: exceptionally beautiful or attractive

Ravishing: extremely beautiful

Dismay: complete loss of courage, in face of trouble, discouraged

Furiously: angrily, quickly

Studious: given to thought or to examination of someone

Endear: to make someone precious

Outrageously: violating morality

Contrary: to oppose

Intimidated: scared

Ostentatious: intended to attract notice

Infer: to conclude, to assume

Conscious: alert, awake

Jeopardize: to put in danger of loss, failure; to threaten

Stole: to get of effect secretly

Scribbled: to write in a hurry

Stealthily: resembling secrecy, sneak

Slipped: to pass a note, often secretly

Surreptitiously: secretly, furtively

Engrossed: to completely engage the attention of

Euphemism: the use of words or phrase to completely replace another which seems less offensive

Confiscated: to use one's authority to claim possession from its withholder

Surge: to rush or increase suddenly

Harangue: to give forceful and length lecture or criticism to someone

Altercation: dispute, wrangle

Reprimand: a severe official reprove

Benevolent: having a disposition to do good

Admonish: to warn or notify of a fault

Genially: cheerfully, friendly

Fallible: capable of making mistakes

Trooped: to move in numbers

Tow: to make a queue

Fiction: using imaginative writing or figure instead of real facts

Summoned: to call people together

Vocabularies in JAMB 2021 novel Chapter Seven

Section 7 compose of vocabularies in JAMB 2021 novel found in chapter seven. You can use the following vocabularies to get more clue on what happened in chapter 7 of the novel titled "The Life Changer". Wow! Look at case here I think no one wants to resit for JAMB again. Unfortunately, not at the final year. However, using these vocabularies will give you more understanding on how Salma was duped by a common Gambler.

Chapter seven

Chapter Seven

Vide: a remark directing to look to the specified place, for an additional explanation.

Summon: to ask someone to come

Tolerance: the ability to endure hardship; endurance

Confided: to trust, to speak in secret with

Predicament: condition or state, unfortunate condition

Sympathetic: showing sympathy

Influential: having the power to control or manipulate Something or someone.

Sage: a wise person

Magnificent: splendid or grand in appearance

Luxurious: very fine in quality

Espied: to see or to spot

Collapsible: something that can be collapsed

Heaved: to rise and fall

Sigh: a release of stress through breathing motions, to breath in or out

Resplendent: shinny and colourful and pleasing to the eye

Mahogany: a table made from mahogany

Swivel: to swing, a chair with a rotating seat

Reckon: to take into account

Hook: to trap someone, to catch in a snare

Lousy: remarkably bad, or poor quality

Reclined: to bend back

Mischievous: injurious or harmful

Susceptible: likely to be affected by something, easily influenced

Underhandedness: characteristic of being dishonest, corrupt

Route: a way

Propriety: the fact of possessing something, ownership

Rendezvous: a meeting or date

Enigmatically: behaving strangely

Parting: The act of dividing

Subtle: Cunning, skillful

Bargains: to negotiate

Divulging: disclose, to make public

Peering: looking around

Agitation: state of being moved with violence

Pestered: bug, to bother someone

Essence: significant feature of something

Gamut: a complete range

Exploiting: to use for one's advantage

Instinctively: without being taught

Reverie: a state of dreaming while awake

Prying: to look where one is not welcome

Cheeky: bold faced, not show due respect

Monetary: pertaining to money

Collusion: a secret agreement for an illegal purpose

Brow: the eyebrow

Solemnly: deeply serious and joyless

Galt: manner of walking

Chapter 8 vocabularies in JAMB 2021 novel

All vocabularies in section 8 is for chapter 8 vocabularies in JAMB 2021 below. In addition, if you think chapter 8 is a little bit difficult to understand. Then you can substitute these vocabularies with the once in the novel. However, the consise description is on how Zaki fought with Kabir for tricking Salma pretending to be the chairman of EMAL.

Chapter 8 vocabularies in JAMB 2021 novel

Chapter Eight

Uncanny: weird; strange and mysteriously unsetting

Intrusive: doing that which is not welcome

Blemish: to tarnish; a small flaw which spills the appearance of something

Impecuniosity: a state of being poor

Compulsive: uncontrolled and irresistible

Reclusive: preferring privacy and isolation

Visor: a mask for the face

Pimp: to obtain a person as a prostitute for somebody

Bungled: incompetently perform a task

Divulge: to disclose

Blunder: to make a stupid mistake

Brawn: physical strength

Transfixed: rendered motionless by completely focused attention

Immediacy: quality of being immediate

Consternation: terror combined with amazement

Chagrin: to bother or vex

Reputed: to credit something, to consider or think

Anomaly: abnormality; something that is strange

Unlit: not lighted

Hooded: covering for the head attached to jacket

Sprawled: to spread out in a disorderly manner or fashion

Groin: the lap of human body

Grudgingly: slowed or weakened

Comeuppance: a bad outcome which is justly deserved

Paltry: of little value

Restrained: held back, kept in check

Despondency: the loss of confidence

Underscore: to draw attention to, to underline

Disenchantment: the act of disappointing or the state of disappointment

Thaw: to gradually melt or dissolve

Haggard: worried, looking exhausted

Commiserate: to sympathize or condole

Gauntlet: a long glove covering the wrist

Rendezvous: to meet at an agreed time and place

Bereaved: having suffered death of a loved one

Ineffectual: unable to produce effect, worthless

Repose: to lie at rest, quietness

Morgue: a haughty attitude, arrogance

Interred: to bury in a graver, to confine as in a prison

Fanfare: a show of ceremony

Solemnity: quality of being deeply sober

Whimper: a low and not constant cry

Gritting: to squeeze

Maniacal: insane

Beseechingly: in a begging manner

Nasty: dirty, filthy

Stuck: past tense of stick

Racket: a fraud

Trailed: to follow behind someone

Densely: having relatively high density

Distinctly: very clearly, vividly

Destitute: lacking something

Moody: given to frequent change of mind; depressed

Syndicate: a self-coordinating group

Telepathic: using telepathy

Instigation: to bring about by encouragement

Norm: a rule that is enforced by members of a community

Wink: to blink one's eyes

Alley: A narrow street

Substantial: not imaginary, real, actual

Deafening: very loud

Receded: to move back

Spat: past tense of spit

Tedious: time consuming

Eighth: 8th

Rite: a religious custom

Seizure: to take away possession

Comical: funny, ridiculous

JAMB 2021 novel chapter 9 vocabularies

Finally, the novel has come to an end. Last section contains vocabularies in JAMB 2021 novel chapter 9. The effect of social media on youth of this generation is really bad. Anyways, my own advice to anyone reading this blog post, is that "don't just read, read to learn". Please, note that every bad example is a lesson for others to learn. Any info or request? Leave a comment below.

chapter 9

Chapter Nine

Bemused: confused

Engaged: To use a safety device that prevent activation in unsafe condition, especially a clutch.

Windshield: windscreen

Momentarily: for a moment

Wielding: to handle with skill and ease

Borne: carried

Instinct: a natural impulse or behavior

Swerved: to suddenly drive out of a straight line to avoid a collision.

Rational: reasonable

Impulsively: having the power of driving

Stylus: a tool for writing on a touch sensitive screen of an electronic device.

Ensnared: to catch in a trap

Awash: overspread or covered

Inevitable: impossible to avoid

Rascality: the behavior of a dishonest or rogue person

Quintessential: ultimate or epitome

Shrugged: to raise shoulder, to express lack of concern

Befitting: appropriate

Subsequently: afterwards, therefore

Clairvoyant: of relating to being able to foresee the future

Hideous: extremely ugly

Leeringly: to teach, to entice someone with sexual desire

Menial: low or dismayed

Gullible: easily deceived or dupe

Antecedent: earlier in time or order

Extortion: to collect something by force

Admonition: counseling against faults

Aired: having been spoken of, such that certain person is aware.

Worrisome: causing worry

Intrigued: to fascinate

Recipe: a set of instruction for preparing something.

Sworn: declared under oath

Alley: a passageway

Cul-de-sac: a dead end street

Entailed: required

Manoeuvre: a movement son with difficulty

Parlance: way of speaking, especially when it comes to those with a particular interest.

Endowed: to be furnished with something naturally.

Qualm: a feeling of doubt

Flaunting: to display or parade

Alluring: to attract

Drooling: to react to something with uncontrollable desire

Petrified: extremely afraid

Bait: something use to entice someone into doing something

Susceptible: easily influenced

Instinctively: without being taught

Budge: to move


Sincerely, the writer of The Life Changer is really a member of the intelligentsia. Due to the fact, that this novel is full of vocabularies, which are in fact, awesome. From surreptitiously to muster, I say it’s really a wow. All thanks to goes to Khadija Abubaka. I hope you find these vocabularies in JAMB 2021 novel useful. More and more will be out very soon.


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